Oct 7, 2013

Service manual leaks for new Nexus phone, LG’s lawyers vouch for it

10:16 AM


Contains full spec list and pictures. 
by Ron Amadeo

The service manual for the LG-D821 (also known as "the next Nexus phone") leaked over the weekend; with it came a treasure trove of information. Any doubts about the leak's authenticity were erased when Android Police, the site that originally released the document, was asked by LG to remove the manual and pictures—no one sends a cease and desist letter for fake information.
Little here should seem surprising. The new Nexus phone will be manufactured by LG and looks like a smaller version of the G2. The G2's 5.2-inch display has been reduced to 4.95", and with the smaller size comes a smaller battery (2300 mAh vs. 3000 mAh on the G2). The camera has also been downgraded from the G2's 13MP sensor to a paltry 8MP. Camera quality has always been a weak spot for the Nexus line, and unless this is some kind of "lower megapixels = larger pixels" renovation of the camera, the smaller sensor is disappointing. A 2.3Ghz Snapdragon 800, 2GB of RAM, NFC, Wi-Fi a/b/g/n (though no ac), and wireless charging round out the specs. The manual mentions 16GB and 32GB of storage, which hopefully means Google is dumping the previous (and tiny) 8GB option that could easily be filled with a few games.
LTE support is similar to the international G2, with support for frequencies in the 800, 850, 900, 1800, 2100, and 2600 MHz bands. If this document is to be believed, this means no support for AT&T or Verizon LTE, which both need 700MHz support. The leaked service manual also lists the new Nexus as only supporting Bluetooth 3.0, which can't possibly be true, so clearly there are some bugs to work out in this draft. This manual is for the LG-D821, but there is also an LG-D820, which may be a US version with different carrier support.

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