Sep 28, 2013

The Xbox One tour is coming to cities across Europe, U.S. and Canada

9:37 AM


Microsoft's Xbox One will be going on tour across 75 different cities in Europe, U.S. and Canada from October 1st giving people hands-on gameplay around the world

Microsoft's next-gen console, Xbox One, launches on Nov. 22 but before that day arrives the Xbox One is going on tour across the world giving people a hands-on experience with some of the new games.

The "Area One" tour will hit 75 different cities across Europe, U.S. and Canada from Oct. 1 until the end of the year.

Four decked out Xbox One trucks will travel around the world giving people a 'Test Drive' of the new console at 175 locations.

People can also drop-in to one of the Area One parties (18+) to have a go at live gameplay, and listen to live music.

Xbox has posted on their official site to let people know the games they will get a chance to play such as Forza Motorsport 5, Ryse: Son of Rome, Killer Instinct, Dead Rising 3, Crimson Dragon, Max: Curse of the Brotherhood, LocoCycle and more.

Attendance to the Area One parties will be free of charge but space is limited.

Xbox states, "The fun is just beginning as we count down to the Xbox One launch on Nov. 22. We hope to see you on the road!"

Read T3's hands-on review of the Xbox One here.

Watch T3's Xbox One unboxing below.

Source: Xbox Wire, Xbox
Courtesy: T3

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