Oct 1, 2013

LA schools halt iPad program in light of student “hacks”

12:02 PM


A total of 2,100 iPads are supposed to be returned—with 700 still missing. 

Last week, we reported on the fact that students in Los Angeles had figured out a way to “hack” the iPads they were given by their school. (In reality, it was a simple matter of deleting profile information as students found ways around the security limits implemented by the administration.)
Now, school officials at Westchester and Roosevelt high schools are seemingly pulling the plug on the entire program. They're asking for students to return the 2,100 devices that had been distributed. For the time being, however, only about two-thirds of those iPads have actually been returned to the school, and no one knows if or when the district's iPad program will resume.
"They carted them out of every classroom in sixth period," Westchester senior Brian Young told a Los Angeles Times reporter on Monday. "There has been no word of when they'll be back."

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Officials from the nation’s second-largest school district “expressed some admiration for the students' ingenuity, and they discussed the possibility of enlisting students' help on an anti-hacking committee,” the Times added. (The Times' editorial board has slammed the entire program.)
A Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) spokesperson told the newspaper that the district was “working with Apple to develop a solution” so that students would be allowed to take the iPads home and use them outside of the school environment. This was not previously allowed.

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The district's top official, John Deasey, is slated to appear on local television on Thursday evening to field questions about the program. An LAUSD deputy in charge of this initiative resigned last month as a result of the fiasco.
Courtesy: arstechnica

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