Oct 4, 2013

Apple Posts Fix for Mountain Lion Update That Caused Webcam Problems

12:09 AM


Apple is releasing a software patch on Thursday designed to fix a problem with the latest Mac OS X update that caused the built-in camera in some recent Mac Book Air laptops to no longer function properly.
The “supplemental update” to Mac OS X 10.8.5, which is going out today, is designed to fix several issues, including the one that caused the FaceTime+ camera on the latest Mac Book Airs to stop working with many popular applications.
Mac OS X webcam update fixIt also aims to solve a problem that caused some external drives to be ejected when a Mac went to sleep as well as separate Bluetooth and HDMI audio issues.
Until the patch, Apple had been recommending those with the latest Mac Book Air computers not to update and suggested that those who had should temporarily use an external camera.
Courtesy: allthingsd

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