Sep 26, 2013

What every company should know about encryption

12:38 PM


if you've been following the news lately, you've heard the buzz about the NSA's PRISM data surveillance programs.

Cloud service providers, or CSPs, like Amazon, Microsoft and Google allegedly installed equipment to capture data, in some cases, even bypassing their own encryption.

If your organization leverages the public cloud, which is very likely, you need to have a basic understanding of how encryption works, and more specifically, key management. Security technology and process doesn't work the same once you have entrusted your data to another company's network.

With encryption, legible data is converted into ciphertext – which is just a bunch of meaningless characters. When data is encrypted, a 'key' is created that will allow authorized people or applications to decrypt, or 'unlock' the data. Keeping track of these keys is one of the biggest challenges organizations face when implementing encryption, but it may also be one of the most important elements.

Now, consider this challenge when your data is being hosted by a cloud service provider. Encryption best practices (along with many regulations like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) dictate that encryption keys be stored separately from the data they encrypt.

If your CSP is assuring your data is safe because they encrypt it, don't stop there. Make sure to ask them how the keys are being managed: Who has access? How many keys are used? Is the key that encrypts your data the same one being used to encrypt data from other companies? Where are the keys stored?

Any encryption your CSP offers may not give you the level of protection you expect or need. In most cases, CSPs won't notify you if and when your data is being accessed.

If you are concerned about data privacy, yet you want to take advantage of the cost savings and elasticity a public cloud offers, try to find an encryption system that allows you to manage and control the keys yourself. If you have control of the keys, you can determine who is given permission to access your data directly.

Your organization's data has become your most important asset, as well as your organization's responsibility. Who has access to it needs to be under your control and not something that can be granted or denied by a cloud service provider.

Published on: USAtoday

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