Sep 30, 2013

October kicks off cybersecurity awareness month

6:30 PM


SEATTLE – October is National Cyber Security Awareness month.

This laudable public awareness initiative was launched 10 years ago by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance, an organization of private companies that sponsor

This year Cisco and the Mobile Work Exchange are donated a tool that can help consumers and companies gauge whether they are using safe behaviors while using their mobile devices.

By answering the questionnaire at the Secure Mobility Hot Zone, you get a grade and best practices tips.

NCSAM focuses on a different cybersecurity issue for each week this month:
Oct. 1-6, General online safety. Aims to raise online safety awareness among all Americans and reinforce the simple measures everyone should take to be safer and more secure online and their understanding that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility.

Oct. 7-13, Mobile online safety & security. Highlights the need to maintain a focus on safety and security wherever and whenever we use the Internet.

Oct. 14-20, Cyber education. Highlights the importance of cyber education and workforce development, including the advancement and opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education.

Oct. 21-27, Cybercrime. Highlights how people can protect themselves against cybercrime and how to get help.

Oct. 28-31, Cybersecurity and critical infrastructure. Highlights the need to take every step necessary to protect our critical infrastructure.

Courtesy: USAtoday

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