Sep 25, 2013

Learn HTML Online for Free! Part - 01 (Why learn HTML?)

10:23 AM


Every webpage you look at is written in a language called HTML. You can think of HTML as the skeleton that gives every webpage structure. In this course, we'll use HTML to add paragraphs, headings, images and links to a webpage.
In the editor to the right, there's a tab called test.html. This is the file we'll type our HTML into. See the code with the <>s? That's HTML! Like any language, it has its own special syntax (rules for communicating).
Save your test.html file, the results tab will act like an Internet browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer). A browser's job is to transform the code in test.html into a recognizable webpage! It knows how to lay out the page by following the HTML syntax.
  1. Open notepad and create a test file filename.html file.
  2. Change the text on line 2 (the bit between <strong> and </strong>) to anything you like!
  3. Save your test.html file and open it on your browser.

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