Sep 29, 2013

Facebook admits it needs to improve News Feed ads

5:12 AM


Facebook has admitted it needs to bring more relevant ads to users News Feed's to make sure people are seeing adverts they actually care about

In an official blog post, Facebook has admitted it wants to "deliver the right content to the right people at the right time".
Users come across adverts on their individual News Feed, and Facebook wants to make sure that each user is seeing ads that are relevant to them.
Hong Ge, Engineering Manager of News Feed Ads, states, "We are currently working on some updates to the ads algorithm to improve the relevance and quality of the ads people see."
Users will be given relevant ads based on the ads they interact with by clicking, commenting, liking, or sharing.
They will also base the new algorithm on a user's interests and the Pages they like.
The blog post states that "some marketers may see some variation in the distribution of their ads in the coming week."
Facebook revamped its News Feed earlier this year, seeing the biggest design change since Timeline was introduced.
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone has also previously suggested Facebook should offer a premium service offering users the chance to pay $10 a month to receive no adverts at all on their News Feed.
Source: Facebook Newsroom
Courtesy: T3

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