Sep 26, 2013

Eventbrite tops $2 billion in ticket sales

10:19 AM


Eventbrite said Wednesday that it has processed more than $2 billion in gross ticket sales and a quarter of that volume has come in the last six months, suggesting the ticketing start-up is experiencing rapid growth.

Almost 60,000 organizers use Eventbrite to sell tickets and registrations to events such as classes, concerts and conventions. When a ticket sale is made on its web platform, the firm takes a small cut of the purchase price.

Eventbrite's recent growth has been fueled by international expansion. The company started in the U.S. but now offers its service in seven languages and was used in 179 countries in the past year. It has also spent more time focusing on specific types of events, including music, festivals, endurance sports and conferences.

Eventbrite raised $60 million in additional funding from T. Rowe Price and Tiger Capital earlier this year and used some of that money to acquire Latin American event platform Eventioz and UK-based event data company Lanyrd. The $2 billion in ticket volume does not include Eventioz.

"We... are ready to put even more power into our global presence," said Julia Hartz, who runs Eventbrite with husband Kevin Hartz.

Published on: USAtoday

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