Sep 30, 2013

Bang With Friends hugs it out with Zynga, settles on new name “The Next Bang”

4:36 PM


Because a mixup with "Chess with Friends" could have been a lot more awkward.

Two months ago, Zynga sued Bang With Friends, a smartphone app company that helps Facebook friends find out which one of their friends they’d like to do the hibbity-dibbity with. (Cupid’s target doesn’t alert that person unless they have chosen you back. Tricky!) Unsurprisingly, the makers of “Words with Friends” charged the younger upstart with trademark infringement among other allegations.
On Monday, the two companies officially settled their differences.
The Next Bang's CEO, Colin Hodge, e-mailed Ars to say that the dispute has been swept under the rug.
Zynga Inc. and Bang With Friends, Inc. are pleased that they have reached an amicable resolution of their dispute. Although the terms of the settlement are confidential, Bang With Friends, Inc. acknowledges the trademark rights that Zynga has in its WITH FRIENDS marks and will be changing its corporate name and rebranding its services in the near future. Details on the next version of Bang With Friends can be found at
That URL only shows the above image with no further details.
Courtesy: arstechnica

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